Deploy Services

Deploy services as part of TeSLA CE installation is not recommended for production. Skip this step if you already have your services deployed.


Some services need to be publicly accessible. You will need to create subdomains:

  • vault.<domain>
  • storage.<domain>
  • rabbitmq.<domain>

that points to your Docker Swarm cluster.

Generate deployment scripts

To generate all scripts to deploy services on your cluster, run:

tesla_ce deploy_services

This command will create a folder deploy with:

  • config: Folder with required configuration files
  • secrets: Folder with required secret files
  • tesla_lb.yml: Docker Stack file for the Load Balancer
  • tesla_services.yml: Docker Stack file to deploy all services

Deploy services

Before deploying, move deploy folder to a Docker Swarm master node and move to this folder of the node machine.

Create networks

TeSLA CE will use two different networks, to create them run:

docker network create --driver overlay tesla_public
docker network create --driver overlay tesla_private

Create persistent data folders

To provide persistence of the data, all services will be provided with a mounted volume. All data folders are created under the folder provided in the deployment_data_path configuration option (see Configuration ). By default, this folder is /var/tesla.

Traefik is used as a default load balancer and certificate management. We need to create a persistence folder for traefik:

sudo mkdir -p /var/tesla/traefik

In the same way, all services will have their own persistence folder. We need to create a folder for each service:

sudo mkdir -p /var/tesla/db
sudo mkdir -p /var/tesla/rabbitmq
sudo mkdir -p /var/tesla/redis
sudo mkdir -p /var/tesla/minio

Deploy services to Docker Swarm cluster

Finally, we are ready to deploy all services to the cluster. We need to start by deploying the load balancer:

docker stack deploy -c tesla_lb.yml tesla

You can check the deployment progress with:

watch docker service ls

Once Traefik service is up, we can deploy the rest of the services:

docker stack deploy -c tesla_services.yml tesla

Additional DNS entries

Some of the deployed services requires external access through the load balancer. You will need to define the following subdomains pointing to the cluster:

  • vault.<domain>
  • storage.<domain>
  • rabbitmq.<domain>

The rest of the services open their ports on the cluster, and are accessible directly on the cluster address pointed by <domain>.

Working with not public domains

TeSLA CE assumes that provided <domain> is a valid domain configured in a public DNS. In the case you are using a not valid domain, you should perform some extra actions (assuming that V.X.Y.Z is the IP of the machine):

  1. Add entries for <domain> and subdomains on the installation computer local hosts /etc/hosts:
V.X.Y.Z <domain>
V.X.Y.Z vault.<domain>
V.X.Y.Z storage.<domain>
V.X.Y.Z rabbitmq.<domain>
  1. Add an extra hosts option to your services, so they can resolve the domain names:

          V.X.Y.Z: <domain>
          V.X.Y.Z: vault.<domain>
          V.X.Y.Z: storage.<domain>
          V.X.Y.Z: rabbitmq.<domain>

  2. As traefik will not be able to generate valid certificates, you will need to disable the SSL check options on the configuration file (storage and vault sections).