

Due to the use of personal data, TeSLA CE will use encrypted communications. As part of the deployment, Traefik proxy and load-balancer will be deployed by default, which will manage the certificates using LetsEncrypt .

You will require to have a valid domain name pointing to the server where TeSLA CE will be deployed.

If you plan to deploy the services as part of the installation procedure (not recommended for production), you will also need to point sub-domains for deployed services pointing to the server. In this case, TeSLA CE configuration scripts will try to reach services on such sub-domains.



In order to operate, TeSLA CE needs a set of services ready to use:

The configuration and credentials to access those services is required in order to perform the initial setup of the system

The initial setup process will prepare all the services in order to be used by TeSLA CE.


In production scenarios some of the services can be replaced by SAAS equivalents:

  • RDS database
  • SQS instead of RabbitMQ
  • S3 instead of MinIO
  • Elastic Cache instead of Redis
  • HashiCorp also provides a commercial version for Vault as a service

Is expected that all services are already available and ready to use for the installation.